CPI by Class (4-digit)

Data as of Aug 2024

National-level CPI at class granularity. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.

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How is this data produced?

The CPI measures the cost of purchasing a constant, representative 'basket' of goods and services. The quantity and quality of goods in the basket are kept constant, so that changes in the cost of the basket are purely due to price changes. The changes in the cost of this basket represent the rate of inflation. For a deeper understanding of the price collection and CPI computation methodology, please refer to the Technical Notes. Finally, it should be noted that Malaysia's CPI classification is deliberately consistent with the United Nations Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) to ensure international comparability.

What caveats I should bear in mind when using this data?

When interpreting inflation rates derived from the CPI, it is important to remember that the rate of inflation experienced by a specific individual may be higher or lower than this number. This does not invalidate the CPI, which is meant to be an average value representative of the entire population.

Publication(s) using this data

Consumer Price Index, Aug 2024, the latest edition of the monthly consumer price statistics published by DOSM. OpenDOSM also features a dashboard on consumer prices.


Dataset description

National-level CPI at class granularity. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.

Variable definitions
Last updated:

23 Sept 2024, 12:00

Next update:

24 Oct 2024, 12:00

Data source(s)
  • DOSM

This data is made open under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). A copy of the license is available Here.


Full Dataset (CSV)

Full Dataset (CSV)

Recommended for individuals seeking an Excel-friendly format.


Full Dataset (Parquet)

Full Dataset (Parquet)

Recommended for data scientists seeking to work with data via code.



Connect directly to the data with Python.

# If not already installed, do: pip install pandas fastparquet import pandas as pd URL_DATA = 'https://storage.dosm.gov.my/cpi/cpi_4d.parquet' df = pd.read_parquet(URL_DATA) if 'date' in df.columns: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) print(df)

Sample OpenAPI query

This data catalog is not available through OpenAPI as the nature of the data makes it unsuitable for API access. For the full dataset, please use the provided download link as shown in the above section.