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Government of Malaysia
Your one-stop interface to browse Malaysia's wealth of open data. This page will consistently grow in depth and breadth with high-quality data from federal and state agencies in Malaysia.
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Population Table: Malaysia
Population at national level from 1970 to 2024, by sex, age group and ethnicity. The preview table shows data for the latest year only, but you may download the data in full.
Data as of 2024
Population Table: States
Population at state level from 1970 to 2024, by sex, age group and ethnicity. The preview table shows data for the latest year only, but you may download the data in full.
Population Table: Administrative Districts
Population at district level from 2020 to 2024, by sex, age group and ethnicity. The preview table shows data for the latest year only, but you may download the data in full.
Population Table: Parliamentary Constituencies
Population at parliamentary constituency level from 2020 to 2022, with breakdowns by sex and nationality. The preview table shows data for the latest year only, but you may download the data in full.
Data as of 2022
Population Table: State Legislative Assemblies (DUNs)
Population at state legislative assembly (DUN) level from 2020 to 2022, with breakdowns by sex and nationality. The preview table shows data for the latest year only, but you may download the data in full.
Daily Live Births
Number of people born daily in Malaysia, based on registrations with JPN from 1920 to the present.
Data as of 31 Jul 2023, 23:59
Annual Live Births
Annual number of births with signs of life upon delivery.
Data as of 2023
Annual Live Births by State
Annual number of births with signs of life upon delivery, by state.
Annual Live Births by Sex & Ethnicity
Annual number of births with signs of life upon delivery, with breakdowns by sex and ethnic group.
Annual Live Births by State, Sex, & Ethnicity
Annual number of births with signs of life upon delivery, with breakdowns by sex, ethnic group and state.
Annual Live Births by District & Sex
Annual number of births with signs of life upon delivery, by district and sex.
Annual Stillbirths
Annual number of stillbirths recorded by the Ministry of Health.
Annual Stillbirths by State
Annual number of stillbirths recorded by the Ministry of Health, by state.
Annual Deaths
Annual number of deaths registered with JPN.
Annual Deaths by State
Annual number of deaths registered with JPN, by state.
Annual Deaths by Sex & Ethnicity
Annual number of deaths, with breakdowns by sex and ethnic group.
Annual Deaths by State, Sex, & Ethnicity
Annual number of deaths, with breakdowns by sex, ethnic group and state.
Annual Deaths by District & Sex
Annual number and rate of deaths by administrative district and sex.
Annual Early Childhood Deaths
Annual number of deaths aged less than 5 year old, broken down into perinatal, neonatal, infant and toddler deaths.
Annual Early Childhood Deaths by Sex
Annual number of deaths aged less than 5 year old by sex, broken down into neonatal and infant deaths.
Annual Early Childhood Deaths by State
Annual number of deaths aged less than 5 year old by state, broken down into perinatal, neonatal, infant and toddler deaths.
Annual Early Childhood Deaths by State & Sex
Annual number of deaths aged less than 5 year old by state and sex, broken down into neonatal and infant deaths.
Annual Maternal Deaths
Annual number of deaths of women during pregnancy or childbirth.
Annual Maternal Deaths by State
Annual number of deaths of women during pregnancy or childbirth, by state.
Annual Marriages
Number of marriages registered annually in Malaysia, including marriage rates per 1,000 unmarried population.
Data as of 31 Dec 2022, 23:59
Annual Marriage by Age Group
Number of marriages registered annually in Malaysia by age group, including marriage rates per 1,000 unmarried population.
Annual Marriages by State
Number of marriages registered annually by state of residence, including marriage rates per 1,000 unmarried population.
Annual Marriage by State & Age Group
Number of marriages registered annually by state and age group, including marriage rates per 1,000 unmarried population.
Total fertility rate (TFR) and age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) from 1958 to the present at national level.
TFR and ASFR by State
Total fertility rate (TFR) and age-specific fertility rates (ASFR) by state.
Monthly Arrivals by Nationality & Sex
Monthly foreign arrivals in Malaysia by nationality and sex.
Data as of 31 Oct 2024, 23:59
Monthly Arrivals by State of Entry, Nationality & Sex
Monthly foreign arrivals in Malaysia by state of entry, nationality and sex. The table shows a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Monthly Passport Issuances by State and Branch
Monthly issuances of Malaysian passports by state and office.
Number of Households and Living Quarters
Number of households and living quarters in Malaysia from 1970 to 2024.
Number of Households and Living Quarters by State
Number of households and living quarters by state from 1970 to 2024.
Household Income
Mean and median monthly gross household income in Malaysia from 1970 to 2022.
Household Income by State
Mean and median gross monthly household income by state from 1970 to 2022.
Household Income by Administrative District
Mean and median gross monthly household income by administrative district from 2019 to 2022.
Household Income by Percentile
Percentile-resolution household income data at national level.
Household Income by State & Percentile
Percentile-resolution household income data at state level.
Poverty rates in Malaysia from 1970 to 2022.
Poverty by State
Poverty rates by state from 1970 to 2022.
Poverty by Administrative District
Poverty rates by administrative district from 2019 to 2022.
Income Inequality
Gini coefficient for Malaysia from 1970 to 2022.
Income Inequality by State
Gini coefficient by state from 1974 to 2022.
Income Inequality by District
Gini coefficient by administrative district from 2019 to 2022.
Household Income and Expenditure: States
This dataset tabulates household-level income, expenditure, poverty, and income inequality at state level. It is based on the Household Income & Expenditure Surveys (HIES) carried in 2022.
Household Income and Expenditure: Administrative Districts
This dataset tabulates household-level income, expenditure, poverty, and income inequality at administrative district level. It is based on the Household Income & Expenditure Surveys (HIES) carried in 2022.
Access to Basic Amenities by State & District
Proportion of households with access to basic amenities such as electricity, piped water, and sanitary latrines by state and district.
Annual Nominal GDP & GNI: 1947 to Present
Long time series of annual nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), including per capita values.
Annual Real GDP & GNI: 1970 to Present
Long time series of annual real gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), including per capita values.
Annual Nominal GDP by Economic Sector
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Annual Nominal GDP by Economic Subsector
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices by economic subsector. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Annual Nominal GDP by Expenditure Type
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, by expenditure type.
Annual Nominal GDP by Expenditure Subtype
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, by expenditure type and subtype. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Annual Nominal GDP by Income Component
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, by income component.
Annual Real GDP by Economic Sector
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Annual Real GDP by Economic Subsector
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices by economic subsector. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Annual Real GDP by Expenditure Type
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices, by expenditure type.
Annual Real GDP by Expenditure Subtype
Annual gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices, by expenditure type and subtype. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Quarterly Nominal GDP
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices.
Data as of 4Q 2024
Quarterly Nominal GDP by Economic Sector
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Quarterly Nominal GDP by Economic Subsector
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices by economic subsector. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Quarterly Nominal GDP by Expenditure Type
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, by expenditure type.
Quarterly Nominal GDP by Expenditure Subtype
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at current prices, by expenditure type and subtype. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Quarterly Real GDP
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices.
Quarterly Real GDP by Economic Sector
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Quarterly Real GDP by Economic Subsector
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices by economic subsector. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Quarterly Real GDP by Expenditure Type
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices, by expenditure type.
Quarterly Real GDP by Expenditure Subtype
Quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices, by expenditure type and subtype. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest year's data only.
Quarterly Real GDP (Seasonally Adjusted)
Seasonally adjusted quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices.
Quarterly Real GDP (Seasonally Adjusted) by Economic Sector
Seasonally adjusted quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Quarterly Real GDP (Seasonally Adjusted) by Expenditure Type
Seasonally adjusted quarterly gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices, by expenditure type.
Annual Real GDP by State & Economic Sector
Annual state-level gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Annual Real GDP by District & Economic Sector
Annual district-level gross domestic product (GDP) at constant 2015 prices for the 5 main economic sectors.
Data as of 2020
Lookup Table: GDP
Lookup table, to be left-joined against other GDP datasets if specified.
Data as of 1Q 2024
Balance of Key BOP Components
Overall balance of the 4 main components of Malaysia's balance of payments (BOP).
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Flows
Inflows, outflows, and net flows of foreign direct investment (FDI) into Malaysia.
Data as of 3Q 2024
Public Education Institutions by District
Number of primary, secondary, and tertiary public education institutions at national, state, and district level.
Teachers in Government Schools by District
Number of teachers in primary and secondary government schools at national, state, and district level.
Lecturers in Public Universities by Citizenship & Sex
Number of lecturers in public universities at national and state level, broken down by citizenship and sex.
Enrolment in Government Schools by District
Number of students enrolled in primary, secondary, and post-secondary government schools at national, state, and district level.
School Completion Rates by State
Proportion of students who complete primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary education at national and state level.
Nutritional Status of Children Under 5 by Sex
Distribution of weight-for-age (WAZ), height-for-age (HAZ), and weight-for-height (WHZ) scores for children under 5 years old based on WHO standards, which are used to assess malnutrition (underweight, stunting, wasting, and obesity).
Data as of 2019
Nutritional Status of Children Under 5 by Strata
Access to Sanitary Latrines by State
Proportion of households in rural areas covered by sanitary latrines by state.
Hospital Beds by State and Hospital Type
Number of public sector hospital beds at national, state, and district level, with a breakdown by hospital type.
Healthcare Staff by State and Staff Type
Number of public sector healthcare staff at national and state level, with a breakdown by staff type.
Daily Blood Donations by Blood Group
Daily blood donations at national level for each of the 4 major blood groups. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent 2 years of data.
Data as of 27 Mar 2025, 23:59
Daily Blood Donations by Blood Group & State
Daily blood donations at state level for each of the 4 major blood groups. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent year of data.
Daily Organ Donation Pledges
Daily organ donation pledges at national level. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent 2 years of data.
Daily Organ Donation Pledges by State
Daily organ donation pledges at state level. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent year of data.
Daily PeKaB40 Health Screenings
Daily healthcare screenings conducted under the PeKaB40 program, at national level. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent 2 years of data.
Daily PeKaB40 Health Screenings by State
Daily healthcare screenings conducted under the PeKaB40 program, at state level. The table provides a preview of the dataset using the most recent year of data.
Infant Immunisation Coverage
Annual infant immunisation coverage rates at national level.
Transactional Records: Deaths due to COVID-19
Transactional records of deaths due to COVID-19, with various demographic and medical dimensions including COVID-19 vaccination records. The preview shows the most recent 200 records.
Data as of 22 Mar 2025, 23:59
Daily COVID-19 Cases by State
Daily COVID-19 cases at national and state level, with details on imported, recovered, active, and cluster cases.
Daily COVID-19 Cases by Vaccination Status & State
Daily COVID-19 cases at national and state level, broken down by vaccination status.
Daily COVID-19 Cases by Age Group & State
Daily COVID-19 cases at national and state level, broken down by age group.
Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Registrations by State
Daily registrations for the COVID-19 vaccine via MySejahtera, at national and state level.
Data as of 22 Feb 2022, 23:59
Daily COVID-19 Vaccine Registrations by State, Sex & Age
Daily registrations for the COVID-19 vaccine via MySejahtera, at national and state level, broken down by age group and sex. The table below provides a truncated preview of the full dataset.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) by State
Number and incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by state, covering HIV, AIDS, chancroid, gonorrhea, and syphilis.
Approved Manufacturers of Pharmaceutical Products
Complete list of approved manufacturers of pharmaceutical products with an active license from NPRA. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Data as of 25 Jul 2024, 23:59
Approved Importers of Pharmaceutical Products
Complete list of approved importers of pharmaceutical products with an active license from NPRA. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Approved Wholesalers of Pharmaceutical Products
Complete list of approved wholesalers of pharmaceutical products with an active license from NPRA. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Approved Manufacturers of Cosmetic Products
Complete list of approved manufacturers of cosmetic products with an active license from NPRA. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Approved Pharmaceutical Products
Complete list of pharmaceutical products approved by the Drug Control Authority. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Cancelled Pharmaceutical Products
Complete list of pharmaceutical products with registrations cancelled by the Drug Control Authority. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Notified Cosmetic Products
Complete list of comsetic products notified to and approved by the Drug Control Authority. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
Cancelled Cosmetic Product Notifications
Complete list of comsetic products found to contain banned substances, with their notification subsequently cancelled by the Drug Control Authority. The table provides a preview of the dataset using 10 records as a sample.
MNHA: Total (TEH) and Current (CHE) Expenditure on Health
Total and current expenditure on health in Malaysia, with a breakdown into public and private sectors.
MNHA: MOH Expenditure on Health
Annual total expenditure on health by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
Daily KTMB Ridership
Daily-frequency ridership data for the 5 main KTMB services, namely Komuter, Komuter Utara, Intercity, ETS and Shuttle Tebrau. The table and charts provide a preview of the data using the most recent 1 year of data, but you may download the data in full.
Monthly KTMB Ridership
Monthly-frequency ridership data for the 5 main KTMB services, namely Komuter, Komuter Utara, Intercity, ETS and Shuttle Tebrau.
Data as of 28 Feb 2025, 23:59
Hourly Origin-Destination Ridership: Komuter
Hourly origin-destination ridership data for the Komuter service. The table provides a brief preview of the data, but you may download the data in full.
Hourly Origin-Destination Ridership: Komuter Utara
Hourly origin-destination ridership data for the Komuter Utara service. The table provides a brief preview of the data, but you may download the data in full.
Hourly Origin-Destination Ridership: Intercity
Hourly origin-destination ridership data for the Intercity service. The table provides a brief preview of the data, but you may download the data in full.
Hourly Origin-Destination Ridership: ETS
Hourly origin-destination ridership data for the ETS service. The table provides a brief preview of the data, but you may download the data in full.
Hourly Origin-Destination Ridership: Shuttle Tebrau
Hourly origin-destination ridership data for the Shuttle Tebrau service. The table provides a brief preview of the data, but you may download the data in full.
Daily Public Transport Ridership
Daily-frequency ridership data for various public transport services across the country.
Vehicle Registration Transactions: Cars
Car registration transactions from 2000 to the present. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset, which contains hundreds of thousands of transactions per year.
Crimes by District & Crime Type
Number of crimes in Malaysia by district, crime category, and type of crime.
Data as of 31 Dec 2023, 23:59
Prisoners by State and Sex
Number of prisoners in Malaysia by state and sex from 2017 to 2022.
Prisoners by Prison Centre and Sex
Number of prisoners in Malaysia by prison centre and sex from 2017 to 2022.
Area of Permanent Forest Reserves
The area of permanent forest reserves as of year-end.
Data as of 2021
Area of Permanent Forest Reserves by State
The area of permanent forest reserves as of year-end, by state.
Monthly Electricity Consumption
Monthly electricity consumption by sector.
Data as of 30 Sept 2024, 23:59
Electricity Supply
Monthly electricity supply by sector.
Households with Access to Electricity
Number of households with access to electricity at home.
Water Consumption by State and Sector
Annual water consumption by state, broken down into domestic and non-domestic sectors.
Water Production by State
Annual water production by state.
Access to Treated Water by State & Strata
Annual access of households to treated piped water by state and strata.
Monthly Air Pollution
Average monthly concentration of key air pollutants.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by source.
River Basin Pollution Monitoring
Proportion of river basins classified as clean, slightly polluted, or polluted based on 3 primary indicators of water pollution.
Cellular Subscribers by Plan Type
Annual data on the number of postpaid and prepaid cellular subscribers in Malaysia.
Monthly Principal Labour Force Statistics
Monthly principal labour force statistics, including unemployment and participation rates.
Data as of Jan 2025
Monthly Principal Labour Force Statistics, Seasonally Adjusted
Seasonally adjusted monthly principal labour force statistics, including unemployment and participation rates.
Monthly Employment by Status in Employment
Breakdown of employment into employers, employees, own-account workers and unpaid family workers.
Monthly Unemployment by Duration
Breakdown of monthly unemployed figures by duration of unemployment.
Monthly Youth Unemployment
Monthly unemployment statistics focusing on the 15-30 age group.
Quarterly Principal Labour Force Statistics
Quarterly principal labour force statistics, including unemployment and participation rates.
Quarterly Skills-Related Underemployment by Age
Number and proportion of working individuals with tertiary education working in a semi-skilled or low-skilled job, broken down by age group.
Quarterly Skills-Related Underemployment by Sex
Number and proportion of working individuals with tertiary education working in a semi-skilled or low-skilled job, broken down by sex.
Quarterly Time-Related Underemployment by Age
Number and proportion of working individuals who worked less than 30 hours per week even though they were willing to work more, i.e. due to unavailability of work.
Quarterly Time-Related Underemployment by Sex
Quarterly Principal Labour Force Statistics by State
Quarterly principal labour force statistics by state, including unemployment and participation rates.
Annual Principal Labour Force Statistics
Annual principal labour force statistics, including unemployment and participation rates.
Annual Principal Labour Force Statistics by Sex
Annual principal labour force statistics by sex, including unemployment and participation rates.
Annual Principal Labour Force Statistics by State & Sex
Annual principal labour force statistics at state level by sex, including unemployment and participation rates.
Annual Principal Labour Force Statistics by District
Annual principal labour force statistics at district level, including unemployment and participation rates.
Employment by MSIC Sector and Sex
Annual distribution of employment by MSIC sector and sex.
Annual Productivity by Economic Sector
Annual labour productivity by economic sector, with metrics on value added per worker, value added per hour worked, and total hours worked.
Annual Productivity for Priority Subsectors
Annual labour productivity for 11 priority subsectors, with metrics on value added per worker, value added per hour worked, and total hours worked.
Quarterly Productivity by Economic Sector
Quarterly labour productivity by economic sector, with metrics on value added per worker, value added per hour worked, and total hours worked.
Lookup Table: Labour Productivity
Lookup table, to be left-joined against other productivity datasets if specified.
Monetary Aggregates: M1, M2, M3
The total value of the money supply, as measured by M1, M2, and M3.
Data as of Dec 2024
Monthly Currency in Circulation
The value of currency in circulation by denomination, for instance RM 1, RM 5, RM 10.
Annual Currency in Circulation
Monthly Interest Rates
Various interest rates monitored by Bank Negara Malaysia, such as fixed deposit rates, base rates, and lending rates.
Annual Interest Rates
Exchange Rates
Rates of exchange of the Malaysian Ringgit vis-Γ -vis major trading partners. The table and charts show a preview using the most recent 2 years of data only, but you may download the complete dataset containing daily data since 2003.
Data as of 28 Mar 2025, 23:59
Annual CPI by Division (2-digit)
National-level CPI for 13 main groups of goods and services, from 1960 to the present day.
Annual CPI Inflation by Division (2-digit)
National-level CPI inflation for 13 main groups of goods and services, from 1961 to the present.
Monthly CPI by Division (2-digit)
National-level CPI for 13 main groups of goods and services.
Data as of Feb 2025
Monthly CPI Inflation by Division (2-digit)
National-level CPI inflation for 13 main groups of goods and services
Monthly Core CPI by Division (2-digit)
National-level core CPI for 13 main groups of goods and services.
Monthly Core CPI Inflation by Division (2-digit)
National-level core CPI inflation for 13 main groups of goods and services.
Monthly CPI by State & Division (2-digit)
State-level CPI for 13 main groups of goods and services.
Monthly CPI Inflation by State & Division (2-digit)
State-level CPI inflation for 13 main groups of goods and services
Monthly CPI by Group (3-digit)
National-level CPI at group granularity. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Monthly CPI by Class (4-digit)
National-level CPI at class granularity. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Monthly CPI by Subclass (5-digit)
National-level CPI at subclass granularity. The table below provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Monthly CPI by Strata & Division (2-digit)
CPI by strata (urban/rural) for 13 main groups of goods and services.
Monthly CPI for Low-Income Households
National-level CPI for low-income households (< RM3000 per month) across 13 main groups of goods and services.
PriceCatcher: Transactional Records
The table below provides a preview of the full dataset, which contains over a million price records per month. We recommend that you download and work with the data in your preferred coding environment - Microsoft Excel will likely be insufficient due to the size of the dataset. This data should be used in conjuction with the Item Lookup and Premise Lookup tables.
PriceCatcher: Premise Lookup
Lookup table, to be left-joined against premise code in the main PriceCatcher data.
Data as of 19 Mar 2025, 23:59
PriceCatcher: Item Lookup
Lookup table, to be left-joined against item code in the main PriceCatcher data.
Data as of 09 Nov 2023, 23:59
Headline Producer Price Index (PPI)
Headline producer price index (PPI), with and without seasonal adjustment.
PPI by Section (1 digit)
Producer price index (PPI) by MSIC section (1 digit), with and without seasonal adjustment.
PPI by Division (2 digit)
Producer price index (PPI) by MSIC division (2 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
PPI by Group (3 digit)
Producer price index (PPI) by MSIC group (3 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
PPI by SITC Section (1 digit)
Producer price index (PPI) by SITC section (1 digit).
PPI by Stage of Processing
Producer price index (PPI) by stage of processing, per the SITC classification.
Headline Services Producer Price Index (SPPI)
Headline services producer price index (SPPI), covering 8 key services sub-sectors.
SPPI by Section (1 digit)
Services producer price index (SPPI) by MSIC section (1 digit).
SPPI by Division (2 digits)
Services producer price index (SPPI) by MSIC division (2 digits).
SPPI by Group (3 digits)
Services producer price index (SPPI) by MSIC group (3 digits). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the most recent 4 quarters of data.
Price of Petroleum & Diesel
Weekly retail prices of RON95 petrol, RON97 petrol, and diesel in Malaysia.
Data as of 27 Mar 2025, 00:01
Quarterly Federal Government Finance
Quarterly revenue, operating and development expenditure, overall surplus/deficit, and sources of financing for the Federal Government of Malaysia.
Quarterly Federal Government Revenue
Quarterly Federal Government revenue from direct taxes, indirect taxes, non-tax sources, as well as non-revenue receipts.
Quarterly Federal Government Operating Expenditure by Object
Breakdown of quarterly Federal Government operating expenditure into key categories.
Quarterly Federal Government Development Expenditure by Function
Breakdown of quarterly Federal Government development expenditure by key sectors describing the area of impact of development projects.
Annual Federal Government Finance
Annual revenue, operating and development expenditure, overall surplus/deficit, and sources of financing for the Federal Government of Malaysia.
Annual Federal Government Revenue
Annual Federal Government revenue from direct taxes, indirect taxes, non-tax sources, as well as non-revenue receipts.
Annual Federal Government Operating Expenditure by Object
Breakdown of annual Federal Government operating expenditure into key categories.
Annual Federal Government Development Expenditure by Function
Breakdown of annual Federal Government development expenditure by key sectors describing the area of impact of development projects.
State Government Expenditure
Annual data on state government expenditure across various categories, including development expenditure (DE) and operating expenditure (OE).
State Government Revenue
Annual data on state government revenue by source, covering tax, non-tax, and non-revenue receipts.
Annual Budget Allocation for the Ministry of Education
Annual federal budget allocated to the Ministry of Education (B/P.63) with a breakdown by expenditure categories, including development expenditure (DE) and operating expenditure (OE).
Annual Budget Allocation for the Ministry of Health
Annual federal budget allocated to the Ministry of Health (B/P.42) with a breakdown by expenditure categories, including development expenditure (DE) and operating expenditure (OE).
Female Representation in Parliament
Proportion of women and men in Malaysian Parliament, covering both the House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) and the Senate (Dewan Negara).
Female Representation in Local Authorities
Proportion of women and men in Malaysian local authorities.
Number of Registered .MY Domains
Number of .MY domains registered with MYNIC Berhad.
Number of Registered .MY Domains with IPv6 DNS
Number of .MY domains with IPv6 DNS registered with MYNIC Berhad.
Number of Registered .MY Domains with DNSSEC
Number of .MY domains with DNSSEC registered with MYNIC Berhad.
Number of Registered Internationalised .MY Domains
Number of internationalised .MY domains registered with MYNIC Berhad.
Headline Wholesale & Retail Trade
Overall performance of the wholesale & retail trade subsectors, covering sales value and volume.
Wholesale & Retail Trade by Division (2 digit)
Performance of the wholesale & retail trade subsectors by MSIC division (2 digit), covering sales value and volume.
Wholesale & Retail Trade by Group (3 digit)
Performance of the wholesale & retail trade subsectors by MSIC group (3 digit), covering sales value and volume. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Industrial Production Index (IPI)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors, namely mining, manufacturing and electricity.
IPI by Section (1 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors by MSIC section (1 digit).
IPI by Division (2 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors by MSIC division (2 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
IPI by Group (3 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors by MSIC group (3 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
IPI by Item (5 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors by MSIC item (5 digit). The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
IPI for Export-Oriented Divisions (2 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors for specific MSIC divisions (2 digit) which are critical for Malaysia's export performance. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
IPI for Domestic-Oriented Divisions (2 digit)
Real output of the three main industrial sectors for specific MSIC divisions (2 digit) which are critical for Malaysia's domestic economic performance. The table provides a preview of the full dataset using the latest month of data only.
Crop Area and Production by State
Production and planted area of crops by state from 2017 to 2022, broken down by crop type.
Crop Area by District
Planted area of crops by district, broken down by crop type and species. The table shows a preview of the dataset using the first 100 rows only, as the full dataset is over 10,000 rows in size.
Crop Production by District
Production of crops by district, broken down by crop type and species. The table shows a preview of the dataset using the first 100 rows only, as the full dataset is over 10,000 rows in size.
Production of Major Timber Products by State
Production of major timber products by state from 2000 to 2021, broken down by product type.
Monthly Landings of Marine Fish by State
Monthly landings of marine fish by state and coast from 2018 to 2023.
Data as of Dec 2023
Extraction of Minerals by State and Commodity
Annual extraction of mineral commodities by state from 2016 to 2021.
Monthly Trade by SITC Section
Monthly exports and imports by SITC commodity sections.
SDG 03-3-1: HIV Incidence per 1,000 Uninfected Population
Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population by sex, as per the specifications of SDG Indicator 3-3-1.
SDG 04-6-1: Proficiency in Functional Literacy and Numeracy
Proportion of population in a given age group achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional literacy and numeracy skills by state and sex, as per the specifications of SDG Indicator 4-6-1.
SDG 10-C-1: Remittance Costs as a % of the Amount Remitted
Annual data on remittance costs as a proportion of the amount remitted, as per the specifications of SDG Indicator 10-C-1.
SDG 16-1-1: Victims of Intentional Homicide
Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population by sex, as per the specifications of SDG Indicator 16-1-1.
SDG 16-2-2: Victims of Human Trafficking
Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population by sex, age, and form of exploitation, as per the specifications of SDG Indicator 16-2-2.
Malaysian Economic Indicators
Indices for the purpose of monitoring Malaysia's economic situation on a monthly basis, consisting of leading, lagging, and coincidence indicators.
This table provides a complete lookup for the MSIC (Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification) 2008, as applied and used in data publications in Malaysia. The MSIC is primarily used by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), for the purpose of categorising economic data, such as during the production of GDP data.
Data as of 31 Dec 2008, 23:59
This table provides a complete lookup for 2, 3, 4, and 5-digit codes under Malaysia's COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose), as applied and used in data publications in Malaysia. The MCOICOP is primarily used by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), for instance when categorising and analysing consumer price inflation.
Data as of 2018
This table provides a partial lookup for codes under the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) Revision 4, as applied and used by publications in Malaysia. The SITC is primarily used by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), for instance when categorising and analysing external trade and commodity data.
Data as of 2006
SITC: Stage of Processing
This table provides a complete lookup for the classification of stage of processing, as applied and used by publications in Malaysia, primarily by DOSM.
Lookup Table: Federal Finance
Lookup table, to be left-joined against category and variable name in the other Federal Government Finance datasets if specified.
Data as of Jan 2024
Lookup Table: Money & Banking
Lookup table, to be left-joined against variable name in the other Money and Banking datasets if specified.
DOSM's Advance Release Calendar
Release date and metadata for all DOSM's publications in 2025.
Data as of 28 Mar 2025, 08:00
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