Daily Public Transport Ridership

Data as of 30 Sept 2024, 23:59

Daily-frequency ridership data for various public transport services across the country.

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Rapid Bus (KL)

Rapid Bus (Kuantan)

Rapid Bus (Penang)

LRT Ampang Line

LRT Kelana Jaya Line

Monorail Line

MRT Kajang Line


MRT Putrajaya Line

KTM Intercity

KTM Komuter

KTM Komuter Utara

KTM Shuttle Tebrau

How is this data produced?

This dataset is derived from anonymous transactional data generated by the ticketing or tap-in/out systems of the various public transport services across the country.

What caveats I should bear in mind when using this data?

These ridership numbers represent 'headline' totals for major public transport services. There are several nuances to bear in mind:

  1. For Prasarana-operated services (LRT, MRT, Monorail), you should not attempt to derive the values in this dataset from origin-destination data, because the methodology for attributing ridership to specific lines (especially at interchange stations) is not straightforward.
  2. For KTMB-operated services (Komuter, Intercity, ETS, Shuttle Tebrau), the headline totals are directly derived from origin-destination data as the various services do not 'cross' in their operations.
  3. Although origin-destination data is updated daily on our site, this dataset is updated monthly because the headline numbers go through an audit process prior to publication.

Publication(s) using this data

Ridership numbers for Prasarana-operated services are also published as part of their MyRapid Performance Update; the data here is 100% consistent with the data published there as it is derived from the same source. Our site also features a dashboard on public transport ridership!


Dataset description

Daily-frequency ridership data for various public transport services across the country.

Variable definitions
  • Date
  • Rapid Bus (KL)
  • Rapid Bus (Kuantan)
  • Rapid Bus (Penang)
  • LRT Ampang Line
  • LRT Kelana Jaya Line
  • Monorail Line
  • MRT Kajang Line
  • MRT Putrajaya Line
  • KTM Intercity
  • KTM Komuter
  • KTM Komuter Utara
  • KTM Shuttle Tebrau
Last updated:

12 Oct 2024, 12:00

Next update:

12 Nov 2024, 12:00

Data source(s)
  • MOT
  • Prasarana
  • KTMB

This data is made open under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). A copy of the license is available Here.


Full Dataset (CSV)

Full Dataset (CSV)

Recommended for individuals seeking an Excel-friendly format.


Full Dataset (Parquet)

Full Dataset (Parquet)

Recommended for data scientists seeking to work with data via code.



Connect directly to the data with Python.

# If not already installed, do: pip install pandas fastparquet import pandas as pd URL_DATA = 'https://storage.data.gov.my/transportation/ridership_headline.parquet' df = pd.read_parquet(URL_DATA) if 'date' in df.columns: df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) print(df)

Sample OpenAPI query

The following code is an example of how to make an API query to retrieve the data catalogue mentioned above. You can use different programming languages by switching the code accordingly. For a complete guide on possible query parameters and syntax, please refer to the official Open API Documentation.

import requests import pprint url = "https://api.data.gov.my/data-catalogue?id=ridership_headline&limit=3" response_json = requests.get(url=url).json() pprint.pprint(response_json)